Friday, July 6, 2007

Dirt on Ron Paul

Racist remarks in newsletter

Back in 1992, Ron Paul's official political newsletter -- published under his own byline -- contained some absolutely shocking statements about African Americans. Some examples: "Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions." ""Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the `criminal justice system,' I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal." Paul even commented on the supposed athleticism of African American street criminals: ""If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be."

In 2001, five years after the remarks were brought to light by the Houston Chronicle, Paul tried to deny that the words were his -- "other people help me with my newsletter as I travel around," he said -- but unsurprisingly, he declined to name names as to who these alleged "other people" might have been.

Supporters spamming web polls

Ron Paul is styling himself as the straight talker in the GOP primaries, but his web fans are engaging in some pretty crooked dealings with online polls. A number of political sites have been forced to pull Paul's name from their polls because his campaign is encouraging his supporters to flood the polls with pro-Paul votes. In mid-May, Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs caught Paul's spammers at work:

I'm going to be removing Ron Paul's name from any further LGF straw polls, because his supporters are deliberately spamming our polls to make it appear as if Paul has more support than he does. . . . They aren't "cheating," as in voting multiple times, but they have sent out emails and posted the link to our poll at several spots on the web, urging people to go vote for Paul. The end result is the same -- the poll results are skewed, and it's not an accurate measure.

9/11 Truther?

Ron Paul lingers surprisingly close to the discredited and offensive ideas of "9/11 Truthers," who believe that the September 11 attacks were orchestrated by someone other than Al-Qaeda -- perhaps even by the U.S. government. On multiple occasions, Paul has appeared on the radio program of 9/11 conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Moreover, he met with the Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth, a meeting that was captured on video here:


Anonymous said...

Do You Really Feel Justified in your transparent Smear attempts. Every piece of your "Dirt" has already been thrown and disproven. Ron Paul has absolutely no connection to the 9/11 Truthers: He had no idea who they were when they "interviewed" him in that video!!! And here is what Ron Paul has to say about Racism...
Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike: as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called "diversity" actually perpetuate racism. Their obsession with racial group identity is inherently racist.

The true antidote to racism is liberty. Liberty means having a limited, constitutional government devoted to the protection of individual rights rather than group claims. Liberty means free-market capitalism, which rewards individual achievement and competence, not skin color, gender, or ethnicity.

More importantly, in a free society every citizen gains a sense of himself as an individual, rather than developing a group or victim mentality. This leads to a sense of individual responsibility and personal pride, making skin color irrelevant. Rather than looking to government to correct our sins, we should understand that racism will endure until we stop thinking in terms of groups and begin thinking in terms of individual liberty.

Scott Pearson said...

Smear campaigns are more successful when they don't identify themselves as smear campaigns to begin with. Just a hint.

I'll admit that the newsletter issue which carried all the racist comments looks bad, but of course, as a professional, you must already know that Dr. Paul has already explained that he didn't write nor approve those passages. He didn't see them until after the fact. The average person may not understand how that could happen, but as one who works in the newsletter industry, I know that it's quite common. Many of these newsletters are published by institutions far from the "author", and the ghostwriters rarely check anything with the namesake.

A legitimate question for Dr. Paul would be to ask why he hasn't checked into the people he works with more carefully. He shouldn't have trusted his good name to this group of ghostwriters. This would be a legitimate critique. Since you prefer to flail away at false charges, and ignore the real question, you have little credibility. So, bash away. You actually have little effect.

Anonymous said...

"Ron Paul is exploiting social news to overexpose himself. His supporters are forcing articles that mention his name to the homepages of social news sites such as digg, netscape, and newsvine."

Well, is it Ron Paul or his supporters?

Anonymous said...

Check his campaign website... It links to a search for his name on digg

Unknown said...

This claim has been debunked, multiple times. interviewed him briefly and got to ask him directly, do you think 9/11 was an inside job, and he said, plainly, that there is no evidence of that.

Anonymous said...

The racist remarks have been debunked, as they were not wrote by Ron Paul, and the writer was fired. Ron Paul then later remarked on the incident.

Ron Paul is not tied to the "9/11 truth" movement in an anyway, he has expressed many times that he sees no evidence of an inside job. The reason so many of his supporters are involved with that whole movement is from people like Alex Jones, who told all his supporters to vote Ron Paul.

And as far as spamming the polls, I think this has been twisted a bit. And I at least respect that this writer didn't twist it, but still, that doesn't mean anything unfair, or fraudulent is going on. When most people see things like, "Ron Paul Supporters Spamming Online Polls", they automatically think their cheating, and voting multiply times to knock his percent up, thats far from the truth, and most of these polls are set so that theres only 1 vote per IP. Whats happening is that the supporters are organized, and have lots of groups, one person sees a poll and tells everyone to vote, thats not cheating, nor unfair, although it does cast false hopes for some people. But the fact is, any group of supporters, for any candidate, can and do the same exact thing.

Unknown said...

Geez, this is so lame. That you anti-Paul people can't seem to come up with any substantive "dirt" on him reconfirms what exemplary character he has.

Anonymous said...

I hate Ron looks like you do too!

Rudy G
"...they hate us for our FREEDOMS!"

Anonymous said...

No wonder the white supremists are rallying around him. These comments are absolutely shocking and racist. I can't believe that more people aren't criticizing him for them.

Anonymous said...

Great site and thanks for exposing Paul even if he doesn't have a shot in hell. I linked to your site from mine

Anonymous said...

Prior to reading this I was not going to vote for Ron Paul! "never trust a guy with (2) first names" Anyway.. Now I will Vote for Ron Paul!! lol!! : )
His Quate "Back in 1992, Ron Paul's official political newsletter -- published under his own byline -- contained some absolutely shocking statements about African Americans. Some examples: "Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions."

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul fails to realize that thus far, we don't live in a society where people of all colors and ethnicities are treated equally, be it by employers, landlords, police etc. The need for solidarity is ever present, while in Paul's dream world, we're already all equal. Not only did he fail to take responsibility for the extremely racist comments of his 1992 newsletter, he tastelessly accepted a monetary donation from Stormfront, an online white power resource center and forum. Now he condemns the civil rights community? Does this guy have to burn a cross on someone's lawn for you to put the pieces together?
Go ahead and waste your vote.

Unknown said...

You are correct about Ron Paul but your characterization of the 911 truth movement is flat wrong.

The truth movement demands an investigation of a crime of which there was NO investigation. Please don't cite the 911 Commission Report! The co-chairs themselves don't believe it! Why should we?

FACT: Bush quashed every other attempt to investigate 911 and interfered with the 911 commission. 911 was a crime. Yet --evidence from every crime scene was simply loaded up and dumped somewhere. Last time I checked the destruction of evidence of a felony IS, itself, a felony. OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!

What is it about that that Bush "conspiracists" don't understand? I suggest that Bush and his partisans read US Codes and sober up.

At last --cite a single piece of hard evidence in support of the "official conspiracy theory"! Just one!

Don't try to get away with labeling Bush critics and the 911 truth movement as "conspiracy theorists"! Go to the Cornell Law Library or Findlaw. Look up the number of SCOTUS decisions having to do with conspiracies. Look up the number of scholarly legal articles having to do with "conspiracies". Look up the number of US Codes --hundreds, possibly thousands having to do with "conspiracies". A body of laws have to do with "Seditious Treason" a "conspiracy" to subvert or otherwise undermine the basis for national sovereignty. It would not take a Yale Law School graduate to make that case against George W. Bush and the leadership of the GOP.

Merely labeling someone "conspiracists" or "conspiracy theorists" or "tin foil hatter" is an ad hominem fallacy. Those who indulge it have not thought about the issue or are themselves supporters of Bush's "official" conspiracy theory which is, in fact, the most OUTLANDISH and stupid conspiracy theory of them all.

What is al Qaeda if not a conspiracy of terrorists? Isn't that what Colin Powell told us?

What is the "Axis of Evil" if not a conspiracy among rogue states to obtain the nuclear weapons that the US already has and threatens other nations with, virtually guaranteeing that they will be motivated to get nukes of their own if they haven't already done so.

Please --the world has gone nuts enough without your adding to the insanity.

theman said...

well Len Hart, what about Bill Clinton and sandy berger stealing and destroying top secret documents from the archives building? sandy plead GUILTY. those dcuments were to go to 911 commision but bill told sandy to get rid of them oops got caught BUSTED!!! NOW WHY DONT YOU TALK ABOUT FELONIES THAT HAVE BEEN PROVEN. even though sandy and bills crime was a felony sandy was only convicted of a misdemeanor how conveniant. why are you not complaining about this obstruction of justice and the injustice of the sentence? probation, wow that will teach him (hah) its all bull your full of it too and i hope you sober up and get of your high liberal horse before you and those like you get us all killed. you retard you should get your nose out of the books and into the real world with the grown ups!!

Anonymous said...

I am a Metal Salesman in the midwest. Have worked hard and treat my customers fair, A few weeks ago I came across Ron Paul..I make a donation every friday to his web site. Everyone of my customers are told of his vision, they all are checking him out. Not one person has not been 100% excited about him. Ron Paul is everything this country needs.
Me? Im just an average guy raising a family. Its guys like me that are helping get the message out.

Anonymous said...

What are you guys going to do with your lives after the elections are over and Ron Paul loses miserably?

Anonymous said...

5% of blacks? Thats about right as 95% of them voted for obama !