Friday, July 20, 2007

Getting the word out

Someone once asked me how much traffic bury ron paul was getting, and whether or not this blog could really make a difference. Below are some pictures of the traffic graph from Google Analytics.

On July 4th, received 1,776 visitors..

July 5th, 2,189 visitors.

July 6th, 9,228 visitors

July 7th, 16,518 visitors
As you can see, a little political drama can go a very long way.

Now if we could only get the emo kids to participate!

Keep burying the top 30 ron paul digger's Ron Paul diggs

Burying Ron Paul Emails

I just spent another good 2 hours replying to everyone's LOVELY emails. I do hope you all enjoy your responses, and that we can all now agree that burying Ron Paul is the right thing to do. If anyone has any further comments or suggestions, feel free to post a comment.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Why Ron Paul wont be our next president

By election day, Ron Paul will be 73 years old. Making him older than even John McCain and darn near Jesus himself. Being old worked for our new Pope, it's not going to work for our next president.

The racist remarks he supposedly made, whether true or not, is not going to get him very many votes from the black folk.

His supporters spam news sites such as Digg and Netscape..

His supporters spam political polls... From the OppoDepot:

Ron Paul is styling himself as the straight talker in the GOP primaries, but his web fans are engaging in some pretty crooked dealings with online polls. A number of political sites have been forced to pull Paul's name from their polls because his campaign is encouraging his supporters to flood the polls with pro-Paul votes. In mid-May, Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs caught Paul's spammers at work:

"I'm going to be removing Ron Paul's name from any further LGF straw polls, because his supporters are deliberately spamming our polls to make it appear as if Paul has more support than he does. . . . They aren't "cheating," as in voting multiple times, but they have sent out emails and posted the link to our poll at several spots on the web, urging people to go vote for Paul. The end result is the same -- the poll results are skewed, and it's not an accurate measure."

Ron Paul is to the presidency, as smegma is to the French; a cheesy distraction.

He implied that America deservedthe 9/11 attacks.

Ron Paul has two first names.

He's a libertarian. Most hardcore libertarians are also lunatics. We know, we control our destiny. Thanks for reminding us of it and letting us know we will soon be caged animals? wtf.

Ron Paul is living proof that a creature can be hatched by the sun after the devil masturbates on a rock.

He is a conspiracy tard.

Do you like ron paul? Click here to vote for ron paul. (that should keep those ron paul bots busy, hell... it may even keep some of his supporters busy... remember the "flip this card over if your an idiot things?")

Friday, July 6, 2007

Dirt on Ron Paul

Racist remarks in newsletter

Back in 1992, Ron Paul's official political newsletter -- published under his own byline -- contained some absolutely shocking statements about African Americans. Some examples: "Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions." ""Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the `criminal justice system,' I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal." Paul even commented on the supposed athleticism of African American street criminals: ""If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be."

In 2001, five years after the remarks were brought to light by the Houston Chronicle, Paul tried to deny that the words were his -- "other people help me with my newsletter as I travel around," he said -- but unsurprisingly, he declined to name names as to who these alleged "other people" might have been.

Supporters spamming web polls

Ron Paul is styling himself as the straight talker in the GOP primaries, but his web fans are engaging in some pretty crooked dealings with online polls. A number of political sites have been forced to pull Paul's name from their polls because his campaign is encouraging his supporters to flood the polls with pro-Paul votes. In mid-May, Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs caught Paul's spammers at work:

I'm going to be removing Ron Paul's name from any further LGF straw polls, because his supporters are deliberately spamming our polls to make it appear as if Paul has more support than he does. . . . They aren't "cheating," as in voting multiple times, but they have sent out emails and posted the link to our poll at several spots on the web, urging people to go vote for Paul. The end result is the same -- the poll results are skewed, and it's not an accurate measure.

9/11 Truther?

Ron Paul lingers surprisingly close to the discredited and offensive ideas of "9/11 Truthers," who believe that the September 11 attacks were orchestrated by someone other than Al-Qaeda -- perhaps even by the U.S. government. On multiple occasions, Paul has appeared on the radio program of 9/11 conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Moreover, he met with the Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth, a meeting that was captured on video here:

Keep Burying Ron Paul, but be fair

We've gotten hundreds of emails the last couple days from people interested in helping bury Ron Paul. We even had a guy who really wanted to bury Ron Paul.

Let's keep burying Ron Paul story's on Digg, Netscape, and Reddit, but let's also clear a couple things up.

We are ONLY advocating keeping inflated story's about Ron from appearing on social news sites when they otherwise would not. Follow the 30 users listed, add them as friends, and add some of their friends. When you see them digging a Ron Paul story, bury it once. This will help offset their useless diggs.

Let's try to be fair about it, and only really digg storys that are inflated/useless. Don't bury every story with Ron Paul's name mentioned, only ones that are truly about him.

We don't want to hear threats towards Ron Paul, we don't think he is a bad guy, though asking people to digg his storys on his campaign websites is a bit irresponsible and cheap.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

The top ten things Ron ,CAN do.

1. He will help end the war on drugs, thus ending one of the most profitable industries in many major cities. The best estimates of the illegal drug industry is that it generates $billions a year for smugglers and pushers, and contributes $ millions a year to our trade inbalance. How's are your ghetto homies gonna make a living once drugs are legal? Unemployment will soar in inner cities if Ron Paul is elected and pushers put out of business.

2. His election would mean the end of the war in Iraq, which would take billions from the suppliers of the military, and the funeral industry. More unemployment.

3. He’s vowed to abolish the IRS, which will deprive accountants and tax lawyers of much of their income. H&R Block will have to fold. Don’t you know somebody who works with or as an accountant? It’s not bad enough they only get business a month out of a year this guy wants to starve these people even more?

4. He’ll support measures to secure our border. This will at least increase employment and offset some of the bad effects of his other policies, but it will also mean higher wages in the American construction industry and similar fields. Why should we pay Americans more when we can get cheap labor elsewhere?

5. He’s voted “No” on all spending measures, which means he's been trying to deprive Americans of tax funding for great earmarks such as the "Bridge to Nowhere" and the federal Department of Education. No more billions to foul up local schools, but on the other hand an entire cabinet Department with nothing to do. What a waste of oxygen, if we wanted something that says No unconditionally, we’d hire a robot, or a cheap Mexican.

6. The guy just doesn't have the looks, which is what we really want in a president. You sure you’d rather not have a woman, a black person, or a younger candidate for President? How about someone has hair that requires a $400 cut? There's a fellow who'd make a Commander in Chief!

7. He’s a rich bastard that cares too much about gold. And there's no good scandals about how he got it, no suspicious cattle futures or real estate deals. We expect our leaders to make their money the traditional way -- that is, with crooked deals. What's the matter with this guy? This is a field where being honest is, well, rather suspicious.

8. Is he a Jew or something? What’s with all this money talk, oh yeah, he’s just like any other Republican('t)!

9. He opposes foreign allies, this means he will not aid Israel or African children, what a stingy stink!

10. He’s gotten a lot of cult support since the first GOP debate, who wants a candidate supported by internet geeks?

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Ron Paul likes Kittens

Was watching the morning news and it turns out Ron Paul, it 40% of situations, prefers kittens over dogs. How many Ron Paul supporters will dig this without actually reading the contents?

List of Top 30 Ron Paul Diggers

These diggers were taken from They all digg exclusively stories that mention Ron Paul:

1. mstebbins
2. skyorbit
3. AlexLibman
4. FuzzyBall
5. megaman83
6. badfish0116
7. kfed2
8. chessmasterjoe
9. Jeff Frazee
10. thunt
11. Elwar
12. CPMan
13. phenry
14. bwigfield
15. FunkBuddha
16. Scrotchety
17. Libertarian4321
18. gypsynuke
19. goldorakdan
20. badfrog
21. saynotoslavery
22. BuddyRey
23. zdotz
24. thebutangjedi
25. rictek
26. rprev08
27. pkeith
28. Churchill2004
29. earthdome
30. MichaelElliot

31. LadyKofNYC

Digg "Group"

If you want to help bury ron paul, add the digg user "buryronpaul" and any friends of buryronpaul.

Bury Ron Paul on Digg

Ron Paul and his supporters are spamming Digg and manipulating it's services. There has been a list of Ron Paul supporters posted on listing these users. (Check it out here)

From World Affairs Board:
For those who want to help make sure Dr. Paul’s message gets out…

Here’s the most effective and easy way I know:

- Visit Digg / News
- Keyword search “Ron Paul”
- Then “digg” every story that has the word Ron Paul in the headline.

That’s it!

This gets him additional attention; I’ve seen it work very well before. It’s already working for Dr. Paul.

Usually there are around 25 Ron Paul stories on Digg every day. I Digg them about three times a day. What are your thoughts about this approach and about Ron Paul?

Now, two can play at this game. Make a new digg account, post it here, and together we will BURY Ron Paul on digg.