The racist remarks he supposedly made, whether true or not, is not going to get him very many votes from the black folk.
His supporters spam news sites such as Digg and Netscape..
His supporters spam political polls... From the OppoDepot:
Ron Paul is styling himself as the straight talker in the GOP primaries, but his web fans are engaging in some pretty crooked dealings with online polls. A number of political sites have been forced to pull Paul's name from their polls because his campaign is encouraging his supporters to flood the polls with pro-Paul votes. In mid-May, Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs caught Paul's spammers at work:
"I'm going to be removing Ron Paul's name from any further LGF straw polls, because his supporters are deliberately spamming our polls to make it appear as if Paul has more support than he does. . . . They aren't "cheating," as in voting multiple times, but they have sent out emails and posted the link to our poll at several spots on the web, urging people to go vote for Paul. The end result is the same -- the poll results are skewed, and it's not an accurate measure."
Ron Paul is to the presidency, as smegma is to the French; a cheesy distraction.
He implied that America deservedthe 9/11 attacks.
Ron Paul has two first names.
He's a libertarian. Most hardcore libertarians are also lunatics. We know, we control our destiny. Thanks for reminding us of it and letting us know we will soon be caged animals? wtf.
Ron Paul is living proof that a creature can be hatched by the sun after the devil masturbates on a rock.
He is a conspiracy tard.
Do you like ron paul? Click here to vote for ron paul. (that should keep those ron paul bots busy, hell... it may even keep some of his supporters busy... remember the "flip this card over if your an idiot things?")
And other candidates' supporters are not trying to bolster their poll numbers?
Who are you trying to kid?
I think that establishment candidates and their supporters are afraid of Ron Paul, because Ron Paul has the kind of ideas people want so much to hear: lower taxes and get government out of the way!
This is why the Libertarian and *true* conservative candidates do not get news coverage nor an invite to debates. The establishment is frightened that if enough people found that have a candidate to vote for that represents *them,* the establishment would lose.
It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men...
-Samuel Adams
The spamming theory was already debunked by Technorati and Google affirmed he is the first or second most searched for term on the internet.
They even invited him to Google on the 13th.
He just today won a straw poll in NH with 65% of the vote, with people like Rudy garnering 8% and such.
No one is spamming. They are just voting for their favorites. This is just another sour grapes, jealous blogger who can't stand it.. LOLOL
Ron Paul "implied" no such thing. Rudy Giuliani, Sean Hannity, and FoxNews inferred it so they could continue their mindless "they hate us for our freedom" parroting of the neocons.
And if people digging articles they like is spam, isn't what you're doing spam? You want articles buried based on who diggs them, not based on content at all.
If desiring the most freedom possible for myself and my family makes me a lunatic, so be it. It's the sanest I've ever been.
I can tell you why there is the support for Ron Paul out there. The Cato Institute did a scientific study with Gallup that concluded that roughly 20% of the population considers themselves “libertarian”. This study was done last year and you can find similar poll numbers from Rasmussen and Pew Research Polls.
You also have Libertarian Party members, Constitution Party members, Independents, traditional Republicans and even “Blue Dog” Democrats that are joining his campaign.
America never deserved the attacks. Nobody deserves to be killed. The terrorists are guilty and should be brought to justice. But it’s fair to ask why the attacks happened and it’s not because of our freedoms. CIA reports show that “blowback” may have been the primary reason for the attacks because of foreign occupation in middle east holy lands. These are just the facts.
As far as the black vote I think they are smart enough to know these statements were made by a campaign staffer decades ago. Technically Republicans don’t do that well anyway in the general election. 90% of the black vote went to John Kerry in 2004. If anything Ron Paul would do much better.
Here’s the main difference. People are actually excited about Ron’s campaign, while other candidates have no idea how to duplicate his grassroots effort.
I think your remarks on your website are honestly a far far stretch of the actual truth. And when it comes down to Hillary or Ron, you know you will vote for Ron.
Ron Paul supporter,
Corey S.
Minneapolis, MN
Hey blahblah,
Wow, you're blog is obviously making a huge impact. Keep up the work and I'm sure you'll have Paul evicted from the race in no time at all. Whippee!!
-bot #948576
What is "spam" to you? When I find a Ron Paul article that I like, I digg it once. If I find a survey, I vote once. I digg many other articles.
Am I a spammer? Is it really "spam" if it involves many individuals all posting unique responses of their own?
lol, if you were so sure he wouldn't get elected, you wouldn't have dedicated an entire website to him.
nice job helping to prevent the spread of information... I'm sure the Ministry of Propaganda appreciates your tireless and patriotic support of the Fatherland...
You are too funny. Good luck in your attempt to spread misinformation.
Wait, is he Libertarian, or is he Republican?
You called him a Republican in an earlier post. Now you are calling him a Libertarian?
He once ran for the Presidency on the Libertarian ticket. Now he's running as a Republican. He is in fact a member of the Republican Party.
If you are going to stand against him, then you had better get your facts straight. You look more like a lunatic than you claim he is.
Ron Paul is what our country needs now. He will shake up capitol hill. And he never implied that we DESERVED the 9/11 attacks, but that our inconsistent foreign policies (made by the smarmy politicians who no longer represent the people) have insighted anger in the middle east.
THAT is the truth, whether or not some asscrack on FOX news spews it out.
VOTE FOR RON PAUL. He's the first candidate who is genuine and smart, and knows what the American people really want. I'm actually democrat, but I'll vote Republican if this guy gets the nomination.
Well, I hope this is a joke. If true, it just shows how sheepish people can be. Instead of participating in an election and actively supporting your candidiate, you devote your time to burying another. I'm sure Hillary needs help from her supporters as well, sure the Chinese can give her lots of money, but it will take some hard work from supporters such as yourself to get the job done.
Rather than concern yourself with the fact that we were lied into a war which has killed thousands of our soldiers, maimed tens of thousands more, killed a million Iraqis, wasted a trillion dollars, trashed the value of the dollar and ruined our reputation around the world - you want to trash the one guy who is not bought and paid for by the top 1% who benefit from these wars which are paid for by the bottom 99%. Real smart.
Wow, you form this "bury brigade" because you simply don't support him. Don't you feel like an asshole right now?
Actually, Ron Paul does the best out of the entire Republican field with african american voters. The accusations of racism are coming from the WASP crowd more than actual minorities. I substantiate my claim with the following link:
Dude, keep fighting the good fight! I'm a believer in the constitution but I refuse to be a part of this wacky ass group of people who believe 911 was an inside job, that the FED is running the country etc...
Ron Paul might have more credibility if you nut jobs out there weren't giving him a bad image.
I hope he loses BIG time in the primary along with the RINOs. Put a conservative in the WH like Herman Cain. He has the values we need without the nutty flavor.
True conservatives don't carry populist messages. Ron Paul's "the elites are screwing us" message is the same you hear on the left!
He's a racist so the "black folk" won't vote for him? You don't think using the term "black folk" is offensive at all? Who's the real down south hillbilly?
Why don't you run him in a foot race and see how old he is? He'll kick YOUR ass, couch potato.
We do not know who is best president . but make sure who is able to do work for country
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